May 27, 2024

Elliots Beach

 On my recent visit to Chennai, I decided to pay a quick visit to the Elliots beach at Beasant nagar. The beach holds lot of nostalgic memories for me as I used to be a frequent visitor here almost 25 years ago when I was doing my post graduation in Chennai. Then it was a quiet clean place mostly frequented by youngsters. Today I was shocked to see the beach turn into a messy crowded place with so many shops and eateries.

The Kaj Schmidt memorial

The Kaj Schmidt memorial was in extremely derelict condition as I remember in those days. But I was pleasantly surprised to see it neatly renovated and enclosed.

The memorial commorates the gallantry of Danish sailor Kej Schmidt who lost his life while saving the life of an English girl here in the year 1930. 


  1. The world does have a way of changing doesn’t it, and generally not for better. Surely population growth and misery will go hand in hand.

  2. Well, you can see a fine and beautiful sandy beach despite the mess you mention.
    Best regards.

  3. There is a theme of minimalism in the series

  4. It does look a lovely beach however, things do change from when we were younger.

  5. It is hard to go back but you did a fine job. Can't believe all the color. Wow.

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