Jan 19, 2024

Patong Beach at Night

A memorable mid night walk at the Patong beach is a must do experience. The beach is clean and safe. We lit the ceremonial floating sky lantern locally called the khom loi. These are sold by locals who also help lighting them. The releasing of lanterns is highly symbolic in Thai culture. It means letting go of your trials and tribulations... Seeing them float away from you.  Locals believe they bring good fortune.

Khom loi

Good bye bad luck !



  1. The water is beautiful with the light reflections. This looks like such fun.

  2. Loved seeing the photos. Our local lake started this tradition about four years ago. It's amazing to see. I haven't participated in it because of the crowds and I'm not a crowd person - but I have driven by, found a parking spot and gotten some photos before. Hope you are enjoying the new year.

  3. The beach looks a bit muddy

  4. A night to remember ...
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  5. That beach is just as beautiful at night as I bet it is during the day.

  6. Looks a long beach, nice photos.

  7. So delightful! Love the lantern pictures too!


  8. I like how you described the Loi .
    Must be fascinating experience
