Jun 3, 2024

Tipu's summer palace at Srirangapattana

 Daria Daulat Bagh commonly known as Tipu Sultan's summer palace was our weekend destination this week. The place was not crowded and seemed better maintained than most ASI monuments. The entry fee was Rs 20 and had to be paid on line after scanning a code. So carrying your smart phone is a must. 

The garden is well maintained. The fountains don't work now , but one could imagine how beautiful this place would have looked in it's heydays!

The palace was commissioned by Hyder Ali in the year 1778 and completed by his son Tipu sultan in 1784.

The palace is built in the Indo Saracenic style of Architecture with european influence . It has a basement and two stories. The central hall was used by Tipu as a courtroom. The ground floor is showcased as a Museum but the access to the first floor is not allowed.

The Museum in the palace is rectangular in shape and rests in an elevated platform. The Museum remains fully covered from the sun to protect the paintings from being damaged. The outer part of the building is made of open corridors with pillars, and at the centre of the museum there are a few rooms with exhibits sketches, coins, weapons (pistols, daggers, cannons, swords), clothing (including Tipu Sultan’s pyjamas) and oil paintings of famous characters of the time.

The walls, pillars, canopies and arches at Daria Daulat Bagh have colourful frescoes in the style of Mysore paintings


  1. Looks very interesting and lovely. Can't do much without phones these days.

  2. This is most impressive, inside and out. The gardens are lovely but oh my! The interiors!

  3. What a beautiful place! Valerie

  4. Such a beautiful place!

  5. Quite an impressive palace!

  6. Amazing place and amazing photos. Thanks.

  7. Hermoso entorno un gran palacio que reflejas con tus buenas fotografías . Un abrazo
