Feb 24, 2006

Reflections .....

art by ashok

Strange a thought, I know not why,
Has suddenly struck my mind:
That if this minute I am to die,
Heaven or hell, will I find?

It may be too early to bed,
But will I rise to behold the dawn?
Will I behold the sun in red?
And dew drops in my lawn?

How strange I am, my wants and ways,
And stranger still my brain -
That hates to wrinkle old with greys'
But craves a longer reign.

One score years I've been on Earth,
At last I've stopped to ponder:
Did I live my life its worth?
"No", says a voice," Unforgivable offender".

How many times I've mocked a friend!
How many butterflies I've killed for fun!
Never I forgave nor forgot a foe, and
Never confessed a wrong I've done.

If I turn my last page now,
Few dears may shed a sorry tear;
But have I earned a name above?
If 'yes' I say- I am a liar.

Far more my sins, far more they are,
Than all the stars of the firmament;
Years ahead I have, I thought, for -
Never did I kneel to repent.

Aches my heart to think its been,
A selfish life of pride and lust;
I wilt, I wane, I weep unseen,
What if I hit the lowly dust!

Ashamed I am of a life so mean,
Rich of rotten rubbish and rust;
O' Time is lean and I've to clean,
'Fore I wither, 'fore I burst.

Every soul sure has his harvest;
Good or bad he has to reap;
Worst or best the reward is must,
'Fore or after his dreamless sleep.

A day of must we have to rest,
In a seven feet bed, great or meek;
Then gold and silver - why we quest?
Power and pelf - why we seek?

The World's a library and men are books;
A book has an End - but was it good?
Fame, fortune and lovely looks,
They travel not beneath the mud.

So, let the blow be far or near;
Lo! I've got in time the message;
Even if it’s just an year,
I will live it as a sage.

The journey may be short or long,
But was it for a worthy cause?
And thus goes the Wiseman’s song:
"It matters 'HOW?’ not 'HOW LONG?' it was" !

Written in 1995 (reposted from my archives)


  1. Amazing stuff!

    "The journey may be short or long,
    But was it for a worthy cause?
    And thus goes the Wiseman’s song:
    "It matters 'HOW?’ not 'HOW LONG?' it was" !"


  2. you've killed butterflies :-(

  3. superb one Ashok...

    //That if this minute I am to die,
    Heaven or hell, will I find?//

    I really liked this :-)

  4. So, let the blow be far or near;
    Lo! I've got in time the message;
    Even if it’s just an year,
    I will live it as a sage.

    ashok we read with envy all ur posts about party and the fabulous food, so pls don't become a sage

    good poem, ten years back, wow :)

  5. Beautiful poem - theres so much intensity in it

  6. If I turn my last page now,

    that is so beautiful and this being a decade old....I feel this was a true awakening of sorts for u.

    and it's nice to have put it up so that people like me will realise something so true :)

  7. If I turn my last page now,
    Few dears may shed a sorry tear;
    But have I earned a name above?
    If 'yes' I say- I am a liar.

    nice ...


  8. In a way, you captured my life's motto .. No turning back, no regrets, one life to live and live i will..
    Beautiful poem!

  9. Beautiful poem you write so well. you have many more beautiful years ahead of you, no regrets just move on.

  10. //Even if it’s just an year,
    I will live it as a sage//

    Have u been living like that? :-p

    Anyway the poem is very good :-)

  11. *Arti...must be if u say so :)

    *tilo... :(


    *smiley...tanx and for ur info that was another resolution that i never kept ;)

    *visit...tanx :)

    *maya...tanx doc



    *starry nights...tanx mate

    *Ms.C ...god question..thats the irony ;(

  12. To think of such stuff ten years back is indeed amazing. I hope the poem give a new meaning to your life now, after 10 years. A new way of looking at life. The prism of life always splits the white light into multiple fragments.

  13. Anonymous5:15 PM

    nice poetry....sounds quiet realistic...
    have a great day...

  14. hey ashok!
    i just love ur blog. i wish there was no ban in blogspot here. have to access it thru proxy.
    great work man!! i love ur approach and ur daring nature.
    My poetry blogs uptoo. nd u can find teh link on my blog.

  15. Ah you are a multi talented man. Liked the poem a lot.

  16. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Why wd one think about death in his early twenties, I wonder? Nevertheless great stuff.


  17. 10 years ago!!!Asoku, chancey illa, super cool!:-)

  18. //How many times I've mocked a friend!
    How many butterflies I've killed for fun!
    Never I forgave nor forgot a foe, and
    Never confessed a wrong I've done.//
    Liked these lines..full of life in it.

  19. Very nice poem ashok.

  20. long time. no post.........

  21. //How strange I am, my wants and ways,
    And stranger still my brain -
    That hates to wrinkle old with greys'
    But craves a longer reign.//

    ---> U HIT IT BRO! superb telling, flow and everything is great, the message and words give it an epic feeling, something like living a lifetime. Simply great.

  22. Beautiful picture and poem!

  23. Love the concluding lines!


  24. Very well written, Ashok1 The poet in you wants to come out:)

  25. Wise words, and so young!

  26. Beautiful words and fantastic image Ashok

  27. Great lines for the fantastic image.

  28. Ashok, very true description of the human

    "Far more my sins, far more they are,
    Than all the stars of the firmament;
    Years ahead I have, I thought, for -
    Never did I kneel to repent."

    This knowledge is the key to wisdom
    and freedom. Well written and insightful
    for one so young.

  29. wonderful artwork, I love the swirling patterns and the footprints going in opposite directions. I enjoyed the poem too, thought provoking
