Jan 21, 2024

Thai street fruits

I was happy to find some delicious fruits in Thailand streets. My favorite were the mangoes. Absolutely delicious! You can also find delicious pomegranates, guavas, dragon fruits, bananas, etc everywhere. Here Mangoes are famously combined with coconut icecreams and also with sticky rice.  Banana pan cakes are common street food. Cut fruits are fresh and cheap. Also don't miss the tasty chilled tender coconuts to keep you well hydrated in this hot and humid region.

Mango sticky rice

Cut fruits 

Coconut icecreams

Coconut icecream with Mango

Varieties of Bananas

Pancake shop

Pan cake getting ready

Mango pancake getting ready

Coconut Icecream with mangoes



  1. Oh, the coconut ice cream with Mango looks very tempting!

  2. I would love walking around there and buying some fruits. Your country is so colorful in so many ways.

  3. These fruits sound delicious by themselves, but also yummy when mixed with ice cream. And probably refreshing when it's warm too.

  4. They all look amazing and healthy with all that fruit about...nice photos Ashok.

  5. Oh my goodness! There's SO much to choose from!
    Love all the photos!!

  6. Your set of photos is especially tempting to those of us living with deep snow and freezing temperatures. The tropical fruits that come to our grocery stores are nothing like the incredible ripeness you depict.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  7. Fruit dessert haven!
